17 Nov 2023
Weather App
A simple Weather App created using React and Vite with Weather API. The primary goal of this project is to showcase my skills in frontend development using modern tools and technologies.
The app provides real-time weather information for any city in the world, featuring a clean and responsive user interface from devchallenges.io.
Key Features
- Real-time Weather Data: Fetches current weather conditions and forecasts from an external API based on user location.
- City Search: User can search any city to get weather updates.
- Responsive Design: The app is fully responsive and works well on both desktop and mobile devices.
Tech Stack
- React: For building the user interface.
- Tailwindcss: Main styling.
- TypeScript: Primary language used in this project for better type inference.
- Axios: For making an HTTP requests.
- Framer Motion: For animation.
If you want to try in your own local development, you can follow this step by step:
- Clone the project
- Get weather API key
Sign up at Free Weather API and get the key
- Copy API key and paste it to .env.copy
- Rename .env file
Rename .env.copy file into .env
- Install dependencies
- Start development server
- Server run at http://localhost:5173
This Weather App project was a great opportunity to delve deeper into React and explore the benefits of using Vite as a build tool. I’m excited to continue building more projects and honing my skills in modern frontend development.
- Live demo: Weza Ripoto
- Source code: GitHub